Clicker and Whistle Training Set
A Clicker and Whistle Training Set for your dog!
It comes with a convenient lanyard to keep it all together and around your neck for ease of training and quick use.
• Positive Reinforcement Clicker Tool
• High Frequency Dog whistle
• Black Lanyard
• Durable
• Clips and Lanyard for attachment
• Easy and quick to use
• Loud Clicker for praising at a distance
• High frequency whistle which is less disruptive to surrounding people
Training Benefits:
Clickers have many benefits including
• Ability to praise quicker than verbally
• A no-punishment positive reinforcement approach
• The consistency of the tone helps eliminates confusion when praising
Benefits of dog whistles include
• that it doesn't make a loud irritating noise for people
• It's clear and easy to hear for your dogs in noisy areas
• The consistency of the tone also helps eliminates confusion for recall